Criminal penalties are harsh and can affect your future long after your sentence is completed. In Alabama, if you are under the age of twenty-one, you can apply for Youthful Offender status. An experienced attorney can help you navigate through these proceedings so that your youthful mistakes do not have life-long consequences.
Young people who are charged or convicted of a crime can experience a number of serious consequences. Not only can they face incarceration, probation, or other criminal consequences, they are left with a criminal record that follows them for the rest of their lives creating difficulties when attempting to secure employment, go to college, or enter into financial contracts. Youthful offender status can help minimize these repercussions.
In Alabama, a person under the age of twenty-one can seek youthful offender status, but applying for youthful offender status does not mean it will be granted. Youthful offender status can minimize the criminal penalties a young person faces, and it can also help young people avoid the stigma of having a criminal record follow them through their adulthood.
As an experienced criminal defense attorney, I can help navigate this system to help you put your best case forward for why you should receive youthful offender status. Contact my office today to make an appointment for a consultation.
Browne House Law Group
1924 7th Street
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
P.O. Box 1305
Northport, AL 35476