Although juvenile offenses don’t carry the same penalties as a criminal charge, they can still change your child’s life. For this reason, you need a trustworthy attorney to represent your child in the case.
Testing boundaries is a normal part of development. Unfortunately, some minors push too far, causing them to be charged with juvenile delinquency. The exact consequences that come with juvenile charges will depend on the nature of the alleged offense. For example, a child charged with theft or assault will face more severe penalties than a child charged with truancy.
As an experienced criminal defense attorney in Tuscaloosa County who has represented many clients facing juvenile charges in the past, I believe every child deserves to be treated fairly in these cases. Regardless of the circumstances, I will always treat minors and their parents with dignity, respect, and compassion. I will also put forth my best effort to minimize the impact of the case on the child’s future.
If your child has been charged with a juvenile offense, we need to move quickly to protect the child’s future. Contact my office today to schedule a consultation.
If the Department of Human Resources or any adult with personal knowledge of a child's situation believes a child has been abused or neglected, they can file a dependency petition in Juvenile Court. Once this petition is filed, the court will determine if a child is dependent under Alabama law. If a child is found to be a dependent child, the court will determine whether the child remains in the custody of his/her parent or if custody is removed from the child's parent(s) and placed with another person or a foster home under the Department of Human Resources.
If you and your child are involved in a juvenile dependency case, you need effective legal representation. I will work with you to determine the issues that led to the filing of the case, help you effectively cooperate with the Department of Human Resources, advocate for you and your relationship with your child, and fight for your constitutional right to parent your child through every step of the process. If you are facing a dependency case in juvenile court, please contact my office today.
In Alabama, any adult with personal knowledge regarding the abuse or neglect of a child may file a petition in Juvenile Court. Oftentimes, these cases are started by family members, friends, or adults that believe that a child is in danger and are willing to take custody and care for the child.
Other times, concerned family members find out after a petition is filed in Juvenile Court that a child they care about is the subject of a dependency action. Although they might not have filed the petition themselves, the concerned family member may desire to take custody and/or maintain their relationship with the child after that child is found to be dependent.
If you are concerned that a child you love is being abused or neglected and are interested in seeking custody of that child, you need an experienced lawyer to guide you through the process. Likewise, if a child you care about is already the subject of an action and you would like to be considered for custody and/or have visitation with that child, you need a lawyer to advocate for you in those proceedings. If a child you love is being abused, neglected, or is the subject of a dependency action, please contact me today.
Browne House Law Group
1924 7th Street
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
P.O. Box 1305
Northport, AL 35476